Fertility Tracking

Fertility Tracking is a simple way to rapidly boost your chances of conceiving a baby. Couples, and women, who are aware of their most fertile days, are more likely to become pregnant faster. In cases where they use fertility tracking and don’t fall pregnant, it provides a clearer indication that something may be amiss with either the male or female reproductive organs. From there, we can explore other fertility options.

At Home Fertility Tracking

All couples starting out trying to conceive, can begin their journey with at-home fertility tracking. As fertility specialists, we would advise couples buy a relatively inexpensive home fertility tracking kit. A kit typically comprises four easy-to-follow steps to track your most fertile days and know when the best time is to begin baby making each month.

These steps include:

  • Monitoring Your Luteinising Hormone (LH).
    Female ovulation is triggered by a surge of luteinising hormone (LH) released from the pituitary gland. This occurs 24 – 36 hours prior to ovulation. The best way to predict ovulation is with a urine test, which can detect LH and show when you are likely to be most fertile. Clinical studies have shown that women who have more awareness of their fertile days have an increased chance of conception.
  • Monitoring Your Basal Body Temperature.
    A high speed digital thermometer can be your best friend when trying for a baby. Every morning, use it to take your temperature (this is when your body temperature is lowest for a 24-hour period, or what we call your basal Body Temperature). Women with a regular menstrual cycle will notice a small drop in temperature – about 0.2 degrees Celsius, when they are ovulating, which then goes up again a day or so later. This is the perfect time to try for a baby.
  • Monitor Your Cervical Secretion.
    Check your cervical secretion when you go to the toilet. The changes you see can be a great indicator of your most fertile days. When oestrogen levels are low, the secretion will be minimal. However, when they are high (when you are fertile), it will appear creamy and slightly wet. When you’re most fertile, it will be clear in appearance, thin, slippery and stretchy.
  • Be Aware Of Other Fertility Indicators.
    These include lower pelvic pain (on either side of the pelvis), which is a sign of ovulation, a heightened sex drive, an intensified sense of smell and taste and in some women, enlarged, tender breasts, fluid retention, acne and bloating.

Clinical Fertility Tracking

If you have been using at-home fertility tracking for some time without success, we suggest you ask your GP for a referral to our fertility clinic where our team can carry out medical fertility tracking. This time frame is typically 12 months for women under 35 and six months for those over 35.

Fertility Tracking in clinic, also known as Ovulation Cycle Tracking, is a simple process that allows you to identify your most fertile days with increased accuracy.

On the first day of your period, we ask that you call us to make an appointment. During your first appointment, one of our nurses will perform a simple blood test, which will be repeated over the following days, along with ultrasound tests. These tests allow us to detect your hormone levels. We can then accurately advise you of the best time to start trying for a baby. The tests are completely non-invasive and quite quick procedures.

We will then perform pregnancy tests approximately two weeks later, which will reveal if you are pregnant or not.

What If Fertility Tracking Doesn’t Work?

If you don’t conceive after fertility tracking at-home and in-clinic, Dr. Raewyn is in a perfect position to discuss further options that can investigate any underlying fertility issues either you or your partner may be experiencing.

How Much Does Fertility Tracking Cost?

Your first cycle of fertility tracking is covered by Medicare, so you will incur no out of pocket expenses. Subsequent cycles have an out of pocket cost of $395.

Make An Appointment
Dr. Raewyn Teirney is available for consultation and would love to meet you to discuss your unique situation and needs.

Fill in the form below to enquire or to make an appointment to see her and discuss your own personal conception journey with confidence and confidentiality.
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