Freezing Sperm

Freezing sperm is an easy and simple fertility preservation option for men. Men have the option to freeze their sperm for future use, for preservation before undergoing cancer treatment, or if they cannot be present on the day of IVF surgery.

Freezing sperm in the face of cancer treatment

Before you begin chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment, some of your semen, containing sperm, can be frozen and kept until you wish to have a baby.

Freezing Sperm For Lifestyle Choices

Men who have to travel for work, or who work in high-risk or dangerous occupations may also want to have their sperm frozen for future use. This is also a viable option for men who wish to put off becoming fathers until later in life.

How Is Sperm Freezing Done?

There are a few ways to collect sperm; either in a private room at a fertility clinic, at home using a special non-toxic condom or directly from the testicles using a needle. After the sperm is collected, it gets mixed with a protective solution and the temperature is gradually reduced. About 25%-50% of the sperm will survive freezing, and sperm can be stored for many years.

How much does sperm freezing cost?

The cost of sperm collection and freezing costs around $450-$650. There is also a charge for yearly storage, which is not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.

How many sperm samples should I freeze?

This will vary according to individual circumstances but generally between two and five samples are frozen.

How are frozen sperm prepared for use?

Sperm can be frozen and used for either Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Dr Raewyn can discuss your individual circumstances with you to choose the best outcome.

Make An Appointment
Dr. Raewyn Teirney is available for consultation and would love to meet you to discuss your unique situation and needs.

Fill in the form below to enquire or to make an appointment to see her and discuss your own personal conception journey with confidence and confidentiality.
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